Sunday, November 22, 2009


Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in.
-Leonard Cohen

Radiance: the sensation of awakening the light within. The quiet place within that is always available. The light that shines down on you when you need it most. A really good friend to give you a big hug when things don't seem to be going your way.

Radiance is your birthright. It is a calling to feel better, to awaken each day to a brighter you and it is indeed necessary to your spiritual growth. As a culture, we are trained to see growing old as a painful, wrinkly experience. As a spiritual being, your work is to let go more and more each day so the wrinkles become a thing of the past and the gold shines through as times goes on.

Yoga is a way of calming the fluctuations of the mind so the body is at ease. Through yoga, you can access the radiance within, and find yourself every day shining your greatness more than ever. Yoga is not only for personal development, to cultivate a sense of confidence and groundedness within oneself, but with the practice of yoga, one begins to develop the ability to see others as themselves, and to see themselves within the web of all of life, therefore be more peaceful and connected to the ever-changing life.

Do you yoga? Do you use your yoga to enhance your life? Whether you are on your mat practicing at home, curious as to why or how to practice or in or out of balance according to how you feel today, yoga is a journey into the body in order to awaken to the radiance within and all around. Through yoga, you can become sensitive to the light within others, and shift orientation from what is to what is truth, beyond the realm of the ego and the physical body. By diving deep within oneself to digest and assimilate the stress and tension, yoga opens up the body in order that there is space for life to flow is a positive direction.

Come to yoga. Go to yoga. Get on your mat and pray. Notice how yoga is awakening the light within and shine, baby, shine.

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