Saturday, January 23, 2010


Can you do it? Can you go without sugar? Can you live without cake or cookies or the sweetness of a Hershey bar? Join me as we walk together in the land of sugar-less delight, all the while exploring the sweet side of life.

Feel free to start this whenever you like, and post here through a comment if you are up for the challenge. Recently, feeling low energy and a bit foggy is causing me to re-assess my diet more than ever. I have some intentions for the next 21 days that I am putting out there, and I challenge you to do the same.

What is weighing on you? Does food live at the back of our mind? Are you constantly craving ot be bad...with food? How about having an amazing life and lightness in your body beyond food?

Here are some intentions I have for the next 21 days, and I will post my meals and the results of my shift here on this blog.

For the next 21 days, I am:
*going sugar free
*not eating between 8pm and 7 am
*keeping blood sugar stable throughout the day

Do you have dietary intentions you would like support around? Email me your questions or intentions and I will provide you with feedback and support for your 21 day health journey.


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