Friday, January 22, 2010

Eat This, Not That!

If you have ever struggled with your weight, with digestion, depression, anxiety, cancer, ADD, diabetes, sleep disturbances, PMS, chronic fatigue, you may be well aware of the impact that your diet has on your condition. Awareness might fuel the decisions you make, but our culture is not designed to support a healing process, as our body requires for regeneration and detoxification.

Here are some basic guidelines that you can use to help you to heal, let go, and restore optimal balance from the inside out.

1. Chew Well
Avoid drinking your food whole. Make sure to chew your liquid and drink your food, to optimize digestive juices and help you to slow down in your life.

2. Healthy Fats
Replace margarine, vegetable oil, butter with Olive Oil, Ghee, Flax and Borage Oils and Avocado.

3. Cactus Sugar
Relieve your liver of the sugar invasion and allow your lymph system to let go on a deeper level. I recommend Agave Nectar which has a low glycemic index and is gentle, yet detoxifying for the colon.

4. Snack
Rather than reaching for coffee, which is taxing to the adrenals and exacerbates the colon, calm your mind and soothe your intestines with some protein or a green drink mid-morning or afternoon. Your system will experience a lift, and your mood will be increasingly positive as you keep your blood sugar balanced.

5. Breathe.
Before and after you eat, take time to center yourself, let go of toxic emotions and come into the body. Relaxing around food and mealtime will open your digestive system up to receiving the food.

Keep coming back to read more ways to relax your way to radiant health.

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