Thursday, March 25, 2010

Recover Your Radiance

I am so excited to be working on a new ebook called Recover Your Radiance: Transform Your Story to Reform the World. Recover Your Radiance is a guidebook along the road of transition where there are no mistakes, but learning curves which offer an invitation to grow beyond our comfort zone by embracing change and moving forward into possibility. My experience of recovering from anorexia, bulimia and severe depression and anxiety which nearly took my life taught me many things about the process of transformation. After years of witnessing myself caught in a story of my own creation, I committed myself to breaking apart the lies I told myself which kept me sick.

Recover Your Radiance will guide you through a proven and workable method of uncovering resistance, discovering your authentic self and recovering your birthright: wealth, happiness and radiant well being.

The book offers processes to balance the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of life which work together to create our authenticity. Socrates said: "The unexamined life is not worth living." And who are you to think that you are less than your potential?

We all walk around with voices inside that hold us back, that try to tear us down, or that build us up to the point of keeping us separate and unaware of the truth of our existence. Hanging out in the place of knowing blocks us from learning, yet not knowing can keep us from taking action that aligns with our values. Recover Your Radiance tears apart what you may not even notice is keeping you stuck by acknowledging the brokenness, the sick and dark parts of ourselves which keep us in hiding until we are forced to let them go.
1. Let Go
2. Define the Breakdown
3. Envision Your Gift
4. Clarify Your Vision
5. Explore the Newness of Life
6. Recover Your Radiance

Within these steps, the book breaks down the parts of ourselves that need to shed in order to open to recieve guidance and connection to our authentic self. Our bodies are constantly seeking expression, our voices need to be heard and our unique and individual process is necessary in the evolution of the greatest good for all. The world is waiting for you to awaken to your radiance. Stay tuned for more ways to wake up to your ability to create radiance.

Meditation for Recovering Your Radiance:
If you notice yourself believing something that you know is not really true, such as:
I am not good enough. I should be more, better. I need help. I cannot take care of myself. I am broken. (any or all of which may lead to a dark place)
Come to sitting comfortably. See the belief and the part of you that gets triggered by the belief. Perhaps it leads you to act in a way that is less than nourishing to your body. Perhaps you make choices that are not in alignment with your values and leave an echo of unworthiness.
Visualize this part of you and invite it to come sitting in front of you. See the negative parts of you and notice how it feels/looks/acts and how you react to it's presence. Ask it to tell you the story of it's pain. Listen with open ears and an open mind. Don't judge, but become fascinated with everything it has to say. As you do so, allow yourself to grow further and further away from this part of you. Acknowledge it's presence by saying: That's interesting, and then what? Let it talk back to you. You may notice an endless story of overwhelming pain and struggle. You may notice that by giving it breathing room, you are cutting off your own source of wellbeing.

There is a never ending story of our own creation that is trying to kill us. There is a choice, to listen to the voices within that tell us who we think we are, or to step out in faith by accessing our authentic self and come together offering value from our heart to the hearts of others. Your life is meant to be a blessing, and there is a calling deep within each of us that is constantly reminding us of who we can be. Let go of the rest, the smoke in the mirror, the stuff that gets caught when you make a mistake, or when you cannot decide who you want to be. And do your best. We cannot think ourselves into right acting, but we can act ourselves into right thinking and the mind is a powerful place to start envisioning ourselves opening up to become powerful creators of radiance inside and out.

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