Friday, July 2, 2010

Gluten Free, Please!!!

A couple of years ago I was going through a very intense health crisis. My weight had been well below normal for many years, I had no sign of a menstrual cycle in 6.5 years and I was about to go insane because I was so hungry all of the time and my body seemed to be eating itself. Not sure where the food was going!

I ran into an ex-boyfriend who, when we were together, we were digestively distressed. Not sure who was more so, but I was fully bulimic at the time, so much so that I did not notice his issues, and he did not see mine. Together, we were a perfect pair. He had moved around a bit like I, until he was in Washington becoming a politician, but his tummy would not have it. He tested positive for celiac, made the decision to give up gluten and BAM! Weight came on and wellness followed. He was my personal hero for committing to a healthy lifestyle. His reason was to never have to struggle as he did when he ate gluten, but I would say super courageous for being a macho man and sticking with a gluten free diet--which can be known as a hippy or health nut thing to do.

My symptoms looked a lot like his. I decided to follow him in the gluten free initiative and was amazed at how many of my symptoms cleared up. The most notable was my blood sugar balancing, weight stabilizing, period came back within a matter of months and anxiety decreased drastically. I never found out for sure if I was celiac, but the blood tests showed obvious signs of gluten intolerance (IgG panel very low). I gave up gluten and felt clear and not hungry all of the time. I promise my depression went from a 9.5 to a 2.

Recently, I moved in with roommates. They eat as normal as a 16 year old. There is plenty of bread and crackers and dumplings and casseroles around the house. There is also no excuse for me indulging in their food, but I have been. It has not been fun or pretty. My symptoms have come back, in a rare form this time.

*itching like I am constantly being attacked by fire ants (it's not fun!!!)
*sleeping with food--eating @ night when i cannot sleep
*blood sugar out of whack is causing my SEVERE anxiety
*fogginess, takes me 12 times the effort to do homework and pay bills

I am getting back on the gluten free wagon. I will write more about my "de-sludging" symptoms. Mostly, about how grateful I am for having recognized what I need. Commitment is a word that needs clear definition in my life. I can force myself to do something for a while, then give up only to realize I was trying and not committed. This is going to take a serious deep commitment, almost as if I am married to my gluten free lifestyle.

Some things that helped me in the past were to:
*Make delicious gluten free food
*Read, read, read other people's stories and successes of gluten free living
*Connect with other Gluten Free people
*Comment on Gluten Free blogsites
*Find Gluten free recipe sites

Questions/comments/issues about this post? Make a comment! I'd love to hear our experience of being on or off gluten, or if this brings up something you may recognize in your own life.

Take good care.


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