Friday, March 19, 2010

Spiritual Activism

"Spiritual Activism refers to actions consciously taken in response to the knowledge that one is responsible for one's own actions, reactions, behaviors, thoughts and decisions. Once one has become aware of the implications of one's choices, one becomes obligated to assess each choice in regard to its impact on the Whole. As a Spiritual Activist, I not only attempt to change my personal life in order to benefit our world; I also work toward sharing with others ways to improve their own lives and to reach out in service. In working toward manifesting our ideal vision, we bring ourselves that much closer to the Divine.
"As Above, So Below."

Taken from:

Each of us is called to be greater than we think we are in order to evolve beyond our limitations. This calling is there waiting for us when we are ready to access the love inside of our hearts. Within this love, there is a still, quiet voice that is constantly seeking expression. Knowing this voice takes courage enough to be still and get to know ourselves apart from ego. Dwelling elsewhere and apart from the heart leads to cutting our own light off from Source and living a lie. It is not true that we are what we think we are. Our thoughts have stories that don't always lead to the place of peace within and all around us. As a spiritual being, our responsibility is to see beyond what appears and to honor the voice of the activist within.

A spiritual activist resides within each and everyone of us. In order live authentically in alignment with our values, it takes a stepping away from the pressures of life, fulfilling our personal needs with Divine guidance, and following the love in our hearts. As we take care of ourselves, we show up for life from a more loving place and create space for others to reside in the place of love where there are no boundaries, but energetically everyone is safe.

It is not spiritual to make yourself available to others because you don't want to be alone or can't take care of yourself so you want to take care of others. This is co-dependency at it's best, an unwillingness to be honest with ourselves, which leads us further away from Source energy.

Are you struggling to take responsiblity in some area of your life? Consider dedicated your healing or recovery for the benefit of all beings. Or for the children of the planet. Or for the children in your life. Allow the children to teach you how to take care of yourself based on how you would be if you wanted to teach them how to live. Bless the situation, or block it out of your mind. A mind placed in the realm of the Divine is aware and awake enough to listen to what you need to heal. Life is a healing journey, and we are constantly going through a process of shedding to open to greater love. Our work is to share from the place of love and to connect with one another as if each visitor is a manifestation of the Divine. As you clear your energy, let go of the story of your struggle, you become free and initiate your role as a spiritual activist.

What is the message of your activism? What do you see the world needs? Your family? Your friends? What have you overcome that you would like to inspire in others?

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