Monday, August 30, 2010

Stretch Your Money Maker

I have lived at many different economic levels. I grew up in an affluent family, with a dad as a financier and a mother who knew how to manage money. My dad graduated from Harvard Business School and went on the achieve massive success. He was known as the "talking wallet" when I grew up because he literally would finance anyone who had a dream.

I have lived in Africa with the Masai, in the bush of Australia, in many cities and towns around the US and world with and without comfort. My most usual furniture has been yoga blocks and bolsters and where other people would walk into my house cringing, I never quite understood.

Until recently, when my body started to fill up and life started to expand, I never could appreciate luxury or comfort. I would have preferred--and felt like I deserved--to sleep on the floor. This makes no sense, but I understand it fully now. Just as having self esteem is an energetic alignment with what makes us stand tall, appreciate and be able to give and receive to that which brings life into the world, money too is an energy that creates or prohibits life from flowing through us. I have done just about every experiment in the book to try to prevent money from coming into my life, and I can recognize these patterns come from deep-seeded unworthiness. Perhaps I was afraid of feeling holier than thou, but that is beside the point. Illusions don't really count here. Metaphors do.

Here is what I have learned about money that are universal laws. I do not recommend trying to disprove them at home.
1--Money has to be believed in and felt before we can attract it. In other words, we must visualize having the money so we can open our energy up to receive it.
2--Money does bring happiness. Imagine yourself making twice or 3 times as much as you are now. What would you do with the money? Some things that money allows us to do: see the world, learn, pay off debt, live in a home of our choosing or creation, eat well, support causes which are dear to our hearts, make the world a better place.
3--Money opens our minds. If you had 10x as much money as you do now, what would you do with it? For some people, working an 8 hour daily job works for what they need. If this is the case for you, and you were bought 2 years off work, what would you do? More than likely, not sit around. You may go and try new things, travel to a foreign country, learn something new.
4--Money MUST be appreciated to stay with you. I have put myself through hell living in shabby places, and then moved, gone on vacation or gone to stay with a friend or family member who lives in luxury. I notice the impact of feeling grateful for having space and freedom has on my ability to believe in my power to attract the money necessary to create the kind of life that inspires me to live. Taking money for granted will never ever serve you. There is no such thing as a free lunch!
5--Money is an inside job. There are so many conversations we have about money internally. You may see a fancy car and think money. You may see something that turns you on and think never, but what would a healthier relationship be to something you want? Here are some examples:
Wouldn't it be nice if....
How much would I need to make to buy a new dress?
What do I really want out of life?

I have created some structures in my coaching practice to help clients achieve massive success and stretch their money maker. It takes a lot of energy to change, but once you learn certain principles about how we are all able to make the money we need to support the lifestyle we want, you can move ahead calm and carry on to create wealth in all areas of your life.

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